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gold your mind

Mind-Body connection is incredibly interesting and wonderful process. Understanding that process gives you the ability to see inside, your inner self. Why do I think like this? Why do I feel like this? Could it be that..?


Knowledge, information of how your mind works, also assists you to really make the change. Now that you know what happens in your head when the moment of hesitation occurs, it is easier for you to hold on to your goal. Your mind is in your body too, in every cell of yours. Information ja and taking this information in, really understanding, will hand you the tools needed for a life you always wanted. Tools to let go old habits and teach yourself some new ones, better ones. Information also assists you to be more gentle towards yourself when going through the process of change. 


Here you will find information of how your mind works and of the possibilities there are. Mind-body connection and benefits due to that. Gold Your Mind Courses clarify this information with living examples to adapt into your life. Information as it is is only letters in words. But when truly integrated and understood the truth behind there, information is the key to happiness. The key to self-love. Appreciation to yourself. The key to the understanding that you yourself are the most important, the one that matters on this Earth.

Human. you.


Human being is a psychophysical creature. Meaning.. What?


Concious mind. Subconcious mind. What are they?


What happens in the brain?


Hypnosis. What is hypnosis? Is it possible to get hypnotized to perform something ridiculous? Or without me knowing? What is trance?


Meditation. What is meditation? What happens in the brain?




Let me tell you.



conscious mind - subconscious mind


Your both minds are you. All together. 


Your subconscious mind is everything, meaning everything that you have experienced, felt or thought during your lifetime. Memory capacity of your conscious mind is limited. So you can not remember consciously everything that happened in your childhood or your past life. Mut your subconscious mind does. Memory capacity of your subconscious mind is unlimited. All your experiences and feelings are there. It is like a bank where you store gold. Gold that represents your life experiences. In that bank there are all the things you have experienced, all the events that happened to you. Every feeling you ever felt, is there. All the positives and negatives. 


Think of a new born baby. Researches show that mothers feelings reflect to the unborn child starting around 4th pregnancy month. At the time of birth, this baby has nothing else in his or her "bank" but moms feelings. But, very instantly after coming to this world, the baby starts to collect information through all his or her senses. Experiences, events, feelings, causations. The more of this information the baby collects and learns, the more he or she is able to start thinking consciously. The more there is information around, the more there builds experiences into our bank, the more we are able to think thoughts. So, we need our subconscious mind to be the software in where our conscious thoughts will form. Without our subconscious mind we are not able to think any thoughts, not even one. We would not be conscious beings. We would not know that we don't know. Without our subconscious mind we would not even know that we existed. 

human, psychophysical creature

How often have we heard this fact?


What does it mean?


Yes, human is a mind(psycho) and body(physical) joined together. 


Bur how is it that these two work together in the end?



human, psychophysical creature

Our body contains a multicomplex physical sensory system, which we use to perceive information from our environment ever since we are born. Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are our main sensory systems, but we have several more, like temperature, pain, balance and inner sensation sensory systems. All these senses give us the ability to sense physical feelings and react to them. With and following - and as executors - to all these systems, are our brain, our nerve system, our hormonal centers and every cell in our body. When it comes to collecting information, we could say that we are a walking "fullbodyreceptor", going around on this Earth gathering gold into our subconscious bank - every second of our lives - consciously and subconsciously. 


The psychological part of us are thoughts and feelings. We feel emotional feelings and emotions in our body, and those feelings we form due to our experiences and senses. Emotionality, ability to feel, is foundationally integrated into us as a human being, All of this area is very difficult to research, since the quality and amplitude of feelings are (yet) unmeasurable. The scale of feelings as information magnifies along experiences and lessons in life. Our emotions are controlled by our hormonal system - and our hormonal system also reacts to our emotions. This chemistry happens all over our body, in our nervous system, brain and every part of us - collecting as information into our bank of gold and into every cell, every second.  


Every observation we register with our sensory system, causing us to feel feelings, give us information of life, our environment, people, of everything. And this is how we then create beliefs, based on every happening we ever had, every feeling ever had. These beliefs form our picture of the world. Our worldview contains our beliefs which were formed by our experiences and the chemistry of hormones caused. So, our worldview is defined by "our own truths" as beliefs - which became - an attitude of life. 


All our experiences cause us to react. Every reaction causes hormonal changes in us, every moment we live. But wait..! Where to? Usually, when we talk about hormonal levels, we refer to a medically defined "normal figures".  But I don´t mean that now. What I mean is: like said before, we all have had our unique experiences and our unique thoughts and feelings all the way up to our day today, so we definitely have our unique hormonal chemical cocktail that has become our normal figure. That "normal hormonal figure" means that it is a basic feeling in us - as us - and it is founded on our beliefs of ourselves and the outer world. It is the hormonal level our subconscious mind has built us to let us feel the way we feel every day. And this chemical level, the software is the level where your conscious mind thinks all the thoughts it is able to think.  This software with its beliefs might just be pretty much limited or even incorrect.


Due to our subconscious minds are so very different from one another, our reactions are unique. Same experience may cause opposite reactions to people and so, opposite hormonal reactions too. For instance when walking in late, dark evening, a dog walking alone towards you might make you run for your life, thinking that it might be a wolf.. Another human being might just catch it up and find the runaways home. Or, let´s take losing a job. One might descend into despair when another one would feel gratitude of the freedom taking place. So, the bank of gold in our subconscious mind defines the hormonal reactions in us. Adrenalin and endorfin produce very different kind of feelings and results in us. We face every circumstance in a very unique, different way as individuals, according to our software. 


And note. Your software collects information that is meaningful at its point of view. From day to day. From Year to Year. And every starting day, your software changes to the direction that your yesterday wants you to go, based on your yesterdays software. Growing. Multiplying. 


No matter how much you tried, you can never think or feel like someone else. Because his or her software is different. 

altered state of mind

What does altered state of mind mean?


This definition is used in several different â€‹contexts.


Let me go into this.

altered state of mind

Altered state of mind means something like a state where we are not aware of our environment, aware of the things happening around us. This definition leads to a thought that a state where we are aware of our environment would be the normal state for us to be. But, but... 


Okey, I have arrived at my job in the morning. I do all the things I always do, make the coffee, cleaning up, opening the computer, starting the music. Like I do every morning. The phone rings. My attention goes to the phone. I answer.  There is a customer that wants to have an appointment. My attention turns into the customer and the schedule for a moment. During that call I did not hear the coffee maker fizzing. I did not hear which song was playing in the radio. Because I was concentrated on the customer appointment. I was not aware of anything else but the customer. What happened to my state of mind? Did it alter?

Was I totally aware of my environment cleaning up and making the coffee? I don't think so. I have done that so many times before. I am now 52-years old, so there is a couple of similar mornings behind me. I did not have to concentrate on doing all that, I was definitely thinking of something else. Thinking of the day to come and the day that just went yesterday. And of all the things I need to remember and to do. Was my state of mind altered?


The normal, conscious state of mind is really difficult to define. And still, this term is used when professionals talk about hypnosis and meditation. Let me tell you how I see it. 


To me, all the states are normal. If a person is conscious, he or she is in some state of consciousness and that is totally normal.

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Digital Vortex series. Interplay of circ

This circle pictures the world of the states of mind that a human reaches. Fully environmentally aware wake state, often pictured as the normal state of consciousness, is here the point in the very center.  When we concentrate into something that takes our awereness away from the entire environment into some specific object, our mind moves further away from that center. The stronger or prolonged our concentration is, the further away the point of consciousness moves. And as our thoughts crisscross from a thought to another, from an event to another, from a feeling to another, the point moves around. The point of consciousness moves all the time, it can never stop.


You can think as if the inner circle is our very conscious mind where we function aware of our environment. All the outer circles are states where we function unconsciously, concentrating into something, guided by our thoughts and feelings and we are not aware of everything around us. The state of our consciousness moves around on all these areas, like surfing on the waves. The whole figure is our consciousness, like said -the inner part being our very conscious actions and thoughts in life and the outer parts being states when thinking and feeling unconsciously, not aware of everything in this world. And the direction where to the point moves is defined by our intention, what we want and feel at the moment. This figure pictures the states of our mind where we go around every moment while awake. Maybe - from the left side you wake up and step into a new day and from the right side you fall asleep - since the outsides of the figure are our night time worlds, dream states and other existences of which we are not aware of. 


All the states of mind that exist in this figure - which are not at the center point - are altered states of mind, meaning trance. 


The deeper is your state of mind - when conscious of your thoughts and feelings - the greater are the benefits!

The biggest changes happen especially in those deep states - IF YOU ONLY WANT! 

Features of trance

Trance means : An altered state of mind with concentration and relaxation. To change something in your mind or subconscious mind, an intention and will is needed. There are multiple, different kinds of trances with different depths and levels. For instance, you may have driven your car, maybe a long way sometime, totally unnoticed. Maybe you can´t remember all the turns you made or your trip has felt to be shorter in time as usually. You drove in trance at that time, in an altered state of mind. You let your subconscious mind to take care of driving the car and concentrated into something else. We are in some level of trance about 90% of our awake time. These so interesting levels of mind can be measured by brainwaves. 


  • Beta - is a conscious level. In beta you are awake and functioning. Beta states have a wide scale, meaning you are in beta even when feeling really angry, alarmed or in any huge stress state.

  • Alpha - is a state of relaxation. Brainwaves slow down. You move into alpha calming down your breath and body. 

  • Theta - is a state of deep relaxation and theta is set as a goal to achieve very often when clinical hyonosis methods are used. In theta state your brainwaves have slown down and suggestions and practises work really well, because the conscious mind has stepped aside. With a state of mind in theta your brain activity has moved from the left side to the right side where analysing is diminished. Your brain and body balance your hormonal activity into positive and perfect level. Your blood circulation is perfectly harmonic, transporting all the good hormones everywhere in your body. Your cell regeneration is effortless and easy. Your body starts to heal and rejuvenate by itself.

  • Delta - is an even deeper state of relaxation, which is in fact our dream world. Your mental images and visualisation feel real and credible. Children are in this state until they are about 2 years old. Brainwaves are very slow. Your body starts to rebuild itself with the perfect hormonal actions. All the systems in your body function together, perfectly. You may recognize this state every morning when you wake up, just before the first thought jumps into your brain. It is the moment when you don't yet remember who you are or how you are supposed to feel if you are you, with your experiences. 

  • Gamma - is a state with high brainwaves. It is possible to slide into this state either through delta, with relaxation or straight through from beta. This state includes happiness, very powerful happiness. All the good hormones conquer your body and everything you think becomes possible. Gamma state may be pretty much familiar state to sportsmen and women, since an euphoric feeling state where they perform at their peak, above their limits, is a gamma state. 


Delta and Gamma states are challenging to reach without practise. Theta is though more than possible even at the first hypnotherapeutic appointment. There are people, who can not relax at all, but on the other hand, I have had a privilege to witness a deep, deep trance states where even chronic nerve pain is gone, somewhere out of reach, during the therapy session. 


benefits of trance

What are the benefits of reaching these levels? Maybe you have just read some words of well-being of your body. Cell regeneration - researches show that cell telomeres lengthen in deep states of trance. These telomeres are involved with cell division and they shorten a little every time the cell divides itself. Deep states of mind give you healthier life and lengthen your lifetime. In deep states of relaxation the miraculously complex systems of your beautiful body start to function for you, for your best, every second. 


You lose 10.000.000 cells every second - and without doing anything, you receive the same amount back during the following second.

There are 100.000 chemical reactions going on in your body - every second.

Your heart pumps 5-7 litres of blood in a minute., meaning 400 litres in an hour and 10.000 litres in a day.

Your heart beats 100.000 times a day and rests only 4 hours of that time.

Your brain deals with 400 billion, meaning 400 000 000 000 bits of information - of which only 2000 are conscious information of your environment.


How much of rest do you give to your brain?

Would it be good to help your body? All these incredible systems in you? Digestive system, immune system, nerve system, hormonal system.

Would it be good to assist all these vital functions to work with ease and perfection? For you.

Read more of the methods to gold your mind!​






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